Sensitive Teeth Need Sensitive Treatment

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Watch those sensitive teeth!
Watch those sensitive teeth! (Photo credit: nodmonkey)

A foodie, a choosy eater, a relisher of gourmet dishes and practically anyone can be affected by sensitive teeth some time or the other. It is usually a sharp and sudden spike in tooth ache deep inside the teeth caused by hot / cold / sweet / sour food and drinks. Major cause is receding gum tissue that exposes tooth roots and that in turn reach the nerve endings of the tooth and trigger the pain. Other causes may be decaying teeth, wear, or a recent visit to your dentist who has done some filing.

But sensitive teeth can be treated by medication, like amorphous calcium phosphate, calcium sodium phosphosilicate, potassium nitrate, strontium chloride, strontium acetate, gluma, or fluoride therapy.

Visit Your Dentist For Sensitive Teeth Causes

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Dental Hygiene (Photo credit: SuperFantastic)

Recently, there have been a number of off-the-shelf products launched that claim to treat sensitive teeth. They range from sensitive toothpastes to fluoride rinses to dental floss. And then there are the various home-remedies that people use from time to time.

However, before you identify the type of treatment, it is advisable to visit your dentist and seek professional guidance. Your dentist will diagnose and arrive at the root cause for your sensitive teeth.

Multiple Causes Of Sensitive Teeth And Pain

  1. Improper Brushing Of Teeth. Many people use hard bristled toothbrushes that can damage the gum tissues and expose your dentin to external factors. Hence getting hold of the right toothbrush is important.
  2. Teeth Whitening Products are known to be another cause for sensitive teeth. Consult with your dentist to identify if this is the cause.
  3. Heavy Plaque or Tarter Build-up can cause dental problems. What they can also do is make your teeth sensitive by infecting the root surfaces.
  4. Broken teeth that has exposed the enamel or chipped / cracked teeth, or excessive teeth grinding can be other reasons for the pain and sensitiveness. Then there is poor dental hygiene to blame.
  5. Gingivitis, that is bleeding gums is caused by inflammation of the gums. This in turn may expose the tooth root and cause pain.
  6. Tooth enamel wear can be caused by excessive consumption of foods with a high acid content. So if you are binging on citrus fruits, or grandma’s pickles, you could have sensitive teeth.
  7. Another reason for sensitiveness in teeth could be a dental treatment like tooth restoration or teeth cleaning. Such sensitiveness is temporary and is likely to go away in a couple of weeks.

The shooting pain in your teeth caused by sensitiveness in teeth can be treated. Consult with your dentist to identify with treatments thatare best suited for you.

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